The American Civil War : 1860-1865 photo

The American Civil War: 1861-1865

This is post 7 of 11 in the series “From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877)” From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877) Introduction to Puritanism and Expansionism Antebellum South Life in the Plantations USA: North and South O’Sullivan’s Manifest Destiny The social context of America in the early …

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Hellfest 2014 : compte-rendu du festival photo 7

Hellfest 2014 : compte-rendu du festival

Cette année encore, je suis allé au Hellfest, dans les vignes de Clisson et comme l’année dernière, cela a dépoté. Day 1 : vendredi Sitôt mes cours terminés, j’abandonne mon sac de cours dans la salle des professeurs et me change rapidement dans le parking du collège. Adieu l’uniforme, symbole de l’aliénation et de l’asservissement. …

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English Expansionism photo

English Expansionism

This is post 2 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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Declaration of Literary Independence photo

American Literature: a Declaration of Literary Independence

This is post 3 of 5 in the series “History of American Literature” History of American Literature Puritanism : a New World Vision An authentically American Literature American Literature: a Declaration of Literary Independence The American Renaissance American Modernism in literature Washington Irving: evolution, nostalgia and imaginary compensation Irving was not under the influence of …

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