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Ante Bellum South photo

Antebellum South

This is post 2 of 11 in the series “From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877)” From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877) Introduction to Puritanism and Expansionism Antebellum South Life in the Plantations USA: North and South O’Sullivan’s Manifest Destiny The social context of America in the early …

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Birth of a Nation photo

USA: Birth of a Nation

This is post 5 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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