Pink Floyd - PULSE concert photo

Pink Floyd – PULSE concert

Pendant cette période de confinement, Pink Floyd offre gratuitement des concerts complets pour les fans. pendant le confinement.

Jusqu’à récemment, le groupe diffusait des extraits de chansons individuelles sur YouTube, mais avec le Royaume-Uni confronté à trois semaines supplémentaires de confinement pendant la pandémie de Covid-19, et la plupart des autres pays du monde connaissant des restrictions à des degrés divers, le groupe a décidé de passer à des concerts complets.

Voici la version restaurée et rééditée des masters originaux en 2019 de Pulse, filmé live le 20 Octobre 1994 à l’Earls Court de Londres:

L’édition de Pulse d’hier soir est tirée du coffret Later Years, qui est sorti l’année dernière et qui a été réédité.


Gravity Forms : activer l'anti-spam honeypot sur tous les formulaires photo

Gravity Forms : supprimer les entrées mais garder les fichiers uploadés sur le site

Gravity Forms garde en base de données toutes les entrées des formulaires. Sur un site qui génère énormément de demandes (formulaire de contact, demandes d’informations, formulaire de commande ou pré-commande…).

Cela signifie des milliers d’enregistrements dans la base de données, ce qui n’est pas toujours souhaitable, pour des raisons de stockage et de performance.

Supprimer les entrées des formulaires Gravity Forms

Si vous avez besoin de supprimer les entrées créées par Gravity Forms une fois que le message a été envoyé, vous pouvez utiliser cette fonction:

// Delete all entries from form ID  1.
add_action( 'gform_after_submission_1', 'sky_remove_form_entry' );
function sky_remove_form_entry( $entry ) {
    GFAPI::delete_entry( $entry['id'] );
}Code language: PHP (php)

Dans l’exemple ci-dessus, on ne supprime que les entrées du formulaire qui a l’ID 1. Si vous souhaitez supprimer toutes les entrées de tous les formulaires Gravity Forms d’un site, il suffit d’enlever le _1de la cible de l’action gform_after_submission:

// Delete all entries from all forms.
add_action( 'gform_after_submission', 'sky_remove_form_entry' );
function sky_remove_form_entry( $entry ) {
    GFAPI::delete_entry( $entry['id'] );
}Code language: PHP (php)

Garder les fichiers uploadés lors de la suppression des entrées

Attention: supprimer les entrées Gravity Forms revient également à supprimer les fichiers qui auront été uploadés via les formulaires. C’est tout à fait normal puisqu’ils font partie des champs du formulaire.

Pour garder les fichiers uploadés, même si les entrées associées sont supprimées, il faut utiliser le filtre gform_field_types_delete_files:

add_filter( 'gform_field_types_delete_files', '__return_empty_array' );Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Supprimer les fichiers associés à un champ upload particulier

Si vous souhaitez supprimer tous les fichiers qui auront été uploadés via un champ upload particulier, il suffit de préciser ce champ dans le tableau $field_types avant de le passer à gform_field_types_delete_files:

add_filter( 'gform_field_types_delete_files', 'sky_delete_custom_upload_field' );
function sky_delete_custom_upload_field( $field_types ) {
    $field_types[] = 'my_custom_upload_field';
    return $field_types;
}Code language: PHP (php)

Dans cet exemple, notre champ upload s’appelle my_custom_upload_field.

Family in Death for a Salesman photo

Family in Death of a Salesman

  1. Death of a Salesman : an extended introduction
  2. Family in Death of a Salesman
  3. Death of a Salesman: Tragedy versus Social Drama
  4. Death of a Salesman: the play’s structure, a memory play

In an article entitled The Family in Modern Drama, Arthur Miller insisted that all “great plays” finally grapple with one central issue: “How may a man make of the outside world a home?”.

Making the outside world a home would imply being “well-liked”: managing to turn anonymous, business relations into close family ties – that is to say being able, like Dave Singleman, “to go… into twenty or thirty different cities, and pick up a phone, and be remembered and loved and helped by so many different people?” (p.63).

In Death of a Salesman, the dream of social success cannot be disentangled from the idyllic vision of society as a large, tightly-knit family.

Yet, there is every reason to believe that Dave Singleman, as his patronymic shows, is a bachelor, when the foundation of the much-vaunted American ideal remains the nuclear family: the nuclear family as an agent of socialization and as a stabilizing influence.

Precisely in Death of a Salesman spectators are given privileged access into the private sphere of a family and occasionally turned into voyeurs. It seems that far from offering a secure, reassuring nest the family also reverberates the tensions of society at large in the 1950s.

1. The Green World patriarchal clan

Willy, through his conversation with Ben (38-41) harks back to his infancy. The image of the father is mythologized by both sons – the elder Ben and the younger Willy – even if Father Loman deserted his wife and children to lead an adventurous life.

The mother is hardly ever referred to. She must nevertheless have had a hard life providing sustenance and comfort for her two sons. When Ben followed in his father’s footsteps by running off for adventure, Mother Loman still had Willy to look after.

Willy, who recalls sitting on “Mamma’s lap” (38), suffered from his father’s absence. The lack of paternal care resulted in his feeling “kind of temporary about (himself)” (40).

Mother Loman’s caring presence is trivialized: “fine specimen of a Lady, Mother” (35) and the “old girl” when reunion with the vanished father is Ben and Willy’s single purpose. Ben starts for Alaska hoping to find his father (37) and Willy elects a father figure through his total devotion to Dave Singleman, another salesman.

Willy has remained so obsessed with the myth of his Father that he entreats Ben to tell Biff and Happy about their grandfather, so they can learn “the kind of stock they spring from” (38). So, in a way, it is as if all the Loman men sprang directly from their father’s side and as if their mother had had no part to play in their birth.

An Edenic myth is implied which seems to preclude, or at least downplay woman’s role in the procreation process.

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