Traffic - John Barleycorn Must Die guitar tab

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Traffic - John Barleycorn Must Die guitar tab

"John Barleycorn must die"  by Traffic

From: (aqualung)

I've included two versions of the song.  I'm not sure how different, if
at all, they are.  Hope this helps.


~From: (Ken King)

  someone asked for john barleycorn must die (as done by traffic),
so here it is (my first contribution :).  i don't yet have the tab
for it (just not that good at tabbing in real time, so i haven't
tried to figure it out), so if anyone out there wants to give it
a shot....
rhythm follows as below, strum to suit yourself.
 2      1      2      1      2      1      2      1      2      1     
2      1
~title: john barleycorn must die,  as done by traffic    no capo
intro: same as the first line (twice?) w/ some finger stuff (tab is
        A             Em            G      D      Em   ( tab 1   -  ->)
 there  were   three  men    came   out    of the west
        A             G      D      Em   ( tab 2   -  ->)
 their  for-   tunes  for    to     try 
        A             Em            G      D      Em   ( tab 1   -  ->)
 and    these  three  men    made a so-    lemn   vow
        A             G      D      Em   ( tab 2   -  ->)
 john   barley-       corn   must   die
        G                    D      Em   ( no tab  -  ->)
they've plowed they've sewn, they've harrow'd him in
        G             A             B(4)  (sync. strum to end)  B  B4 
B  B4  B
 threw  clods  up-    on     his    head
        A             Em            G      D      Em   ( tab 1   -  ->)
 and    these  three  men    made a so-    lemn   vow
        A             G      D      Em   ( tab 2   -  ->)
 john   barley-       corn   was    dead
(use intro tab (w/ flute :) for between verses filler)
  comments on the chords: B(4) is Bsus4 (224452) and i play the B as an

A two frets up (224442).  the strumming pattern for the B chords is a
syncopated pattern.  listen to the song, it's easy to play...
  the rest of the verses follow the same pattern, and i don't have the
rest of the words (or the song to transcribe from) with me. :(
  comments?  please feel free to correct anything i botched and provide

~From: (Bob Alman)

                      John Barleycorn   (Traffic version)

    capo 7th fret  (chords relative)
    D   C   G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C   G   Am A5      Am A5

           D         Am        C  G       Am A5   Am A5
    There were three men came out of the west
          D     C   Am G   Am A5     Am A5
    Their fortunes for to try
          D          Am        C  G   Am A5   Am A5
    And these three men made a solemn vow
         D  C  Am    G   Am A5     Am A5
    John Barleycorn must die
    C                                    Am       Am7  Am
    They've plowed, they've sown, the've harrowed him in
           C     D       Esus4         E Esus4 E
    Threw clods upon his head
        Dm          Am         C  G   Am A5   Am A5
    And these three men were satisfied     
         D  C  Am    G   Am A5   Am A5
    John Barleycorn was dead

    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5

           D     Am        C     G   Am A5   Am A5
    They let him lie for a very long time
               D    C    Am     G   Am A5     Am A5
    Till the rains from heaven did fall
          D          Am        C  G    Am A5   Am A5
    And little Sir John sprung up his head
         D  C  Am  G   Am A5     Am A5
    And so amazed them all
    C                        Am  Am7     Am
    They let him stand 'til mid summer's day
             C         D        Esus4         E Esus4 E
    'til he looked both pale and worn
        Dm          Am            C       G   Am A5   Am A5
    And little Sir John's grown a long, long beard
         D  C Am  G Am A5   Am A5
    And so become a man
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5

            D     Am        C      G   Am A5   Am A5
    They've hired men with scythes so sharp
           D   C   Am  G  Am A5     Am A5
    To cut him off at the knee
          D              Am      C  G   Am A5   Am A5
    They rolled him and tied him by the waist
            D    C   Am G    Am A5     Am A5
    Serving him most barbarously
    C                       Am    Am7   Am
    They've hired men with sharp pitch forks
           C     D        Esus4         E Esus4 E
    Who pricked him to the heart...
            Dm            Am         C       G   Am A5   Am A5
    And the loader he has served him worse than that
              D     C  Am  G   Am A5   Am A5
    For he's bound him to the cart
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5

             D             Am        C    G       Am A5   Am A5
    They've wheeled him around and around in the field
               D   C Am G  Am A5     Am A5
    'til they came onto a barn
         D          Am     C  G   Am A5   Am A5
    And there they made a solemn oath
         D   C    Am G  Am A5     Am A5
    On poor John Barleycorn
    C                            Am  Am7   Am
    They've hired men with the crab tree sticks 
        C       D        Esus4         E Esus4 E
    to cut him skin from bone
            Dm             Am         C      G   Am A5   Am A5
    And the miller he has served him worse than that
                D       C    Am  G   Am A5   Am A5
    For he's ground him between two stones
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5
    D   C  G   Am A5      Am A5

          D         Am           C  G      Am A5   Am A5
    And little Sir John and the nut brown bowl
            D    C  Am  G   Am A5     Am A5
    And he's brandy in the glass
          D          Am          C  G      Am A5   Am A5
    And little Sir John and the nut brown bowl
         D           Am   G  Am A5     Am A5
    Proved the strongest man at last
    C                       Am  Am7   Am
    The huntsman, he can't hunt the fox
           C      D        Esus4         E Esus4 E
    Nor so loudly blow his horn
            Dm        Am         C       G   Am A5   Am A5
    And the Tinker he can't mend kettle nor pots
            D        Am  G   A5 
    Without a little Barlycorn

Esus4  O222OO
A5     OO22OO  or Asus2
Am7    OO2O1O