Scorpions - Arizona guitar tab

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Scorpions - Arizona guitar tab

Date: Wed, 07 Feb 1996 08:37:32 -0800
From: Steve Wolfinbarger 

I am going to try and add as much Scorpions songs as I can, because the 
best sounding band should have dedicated fans like me!

>>> ARIZONA  from "Blackout"

Just the basics are availbale for now, Very easy stuff!

G	9 9   9 9   6 6             9 9 9  9 9   6 6 
D	9 9   9 9   6 6  7  9 9	    9 9 9  9 9   6 6   7  9 9
A	7 7   7 7   4 4  7  9 9     7 7 7  7 7   4 4   7  9 9 
E	                 5  7 7                        5  7 7 

Arizona really was a blast, I was screwed up in a total mess, mind 
blowin all the way you know just out a sight!