Submit a guest post on SkyMinds

Thank you for your interest

Thank you for showing interest in writing a guest post for us. We’re glad you’re here.

Please take a moment to review this entire page as it explains the guidelines, the submission process, and other important details.

This will ensure that your submission meets what we’re looking for and improve your chances of getting the article published on our website.

About SkyMinds

SkyMinds has been a go-to resource for web dev and tech tutorials. Here are some things to know!

  • Our audience: Marketers, advertisers, business owners, or students looking to learn and improve in the web development, technological and digital marketing space.
  • Our tone: Our blog is authoritative and informative but friendly and fun to read. Conversational writing is our style—think approachable expert.
  • Our topics: B2B, content, copywriting, ecommerce, landing pages, SEO, website content, sysadmin, website development.
  • Our posts: We publish a wide variety of post types, including (but not limited to!):
    • New or different angles on common topics.
    • First-hand accounts of experiments/strategies/tests
    • How-to guides/cheat sheets for techniques and platforms.
    • Lists of tips, tools, or compelling strategies.
    • Creative ideas and real examples.
    • Examples/templates.

Article guidelines / Guest post requirements

We love guest posts, but we do get a high volume of requests on a daily basis. As such, SkyMinds only accepts posts that are high-quality, timely, accurate, actionable, original, and resonate with our audience. Here are some best practices that will help us to respond to you faster and, if your topic is a go, get it published sooner.

1. Get a feel for our style

Please do this! To get a feel for not only our topics, but also our tone and basic format (short intros, lots of headings and subheadings, short paragraphs, value-adding images, etc.). Read a few posts in full, and then do some skimming and exploring.

2. Make sure we haven’t already covered your idea

We’ve been around for over two decades, so this is a must! If we have covered your topic, we may still be interested if you can offer something more up-to-date or approach it with a fresh angle or different perspective. The best way to see if we’ve covered your topic is to do a site search on Google: [topic]Code language: CSS (css)

3. Check our specs

Here’s what we want!

  • Sufficient length: 1,500 words minimum (but don’t add fluff if you don’t hit that mark)
  • Short intro: ~150 words. Introduce your topic and then tell the reader what the post will cover.
  • Explain your points / ideas thoroughly
  • Give practical and actionable tips
  • Backup up your points with research and real-life data
  • Link to supporting resources and other helpful guides online – Only DR 50+
  • Links can be added. Links cannot be added in the intro section of the blog.
  • Add internal links to our tools, guides & blog posts – 3 minimum
  • Links to competitor sites will not be added.
  • Make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes
  • Friendly tone: Conversational, not corporate!
  • High quality: 100% Original, actionable, organized, and accurate!
  • Skimmability: Headings, subheadings, short paragraphs, etc.
    • Please use sentence case with your headings!
  • Short bio: 1-3 sentences. You can include links to your website or social accounts.
  • Images: NO STOCK IMAGES. Images should add value by illustrating concepts and data. A Google image search should be more than sufficient; just be sure to cite the image source link under the image. We require 3 minimum images throughout the article.
  • Submit the article via Google docs, public link.

Here’s what we DON’T want!

  • Too many backlinks: You can include a maximum of 3 per post, to YOUR site. That includes the link in your bio.
    • External links to sites other than your own are okay for citing images and stats. They are not okay for earning that site a backlink.
  • Thin content that demonstrates a lack of depth of knowledge on a topic.
  • Fluff: redundant, filler words, uses many words to say little.
  • Overly promotional content.
  • Previously published or sponsored content.
  • Stock images! (Worth mentioning again).
  • Write purely for search engine
  • Include affiliate link in your article
  • We do not add links to Casino/CBD/Gambling/Crypto sites
  • Add links to low-quality content (we will remove it)
  • Include stock photos that add no value to your writings

What to expect

We get a large volume of guest pitches, so please be patient with us throughout the process.

  1. Pitch response: If your pitch is chosen, we’ll do our best to respond within 1-2 days. Please follow up in 1 week if you haven’t heard from us.
  2. Outline: Once we nail down the topic and title, we’ll request an outline. If the outline is approved, you’ll get drafting!
  3. Draft: If the draft meets our quality standards, we’ll move on to editing. If the draft does not meet our quality standards (i.e., it is thin content and/or cannot be improved without heavy edits), we will let you know that we cannot move forward with the post.
  4. Edits: We will edit the content to align with our standards as well as the SkyMinds style guide. If we need anything on your end— a better quality image, a change to a section, or further elaboration on something, we’ll let you know.
  5. Publishing: Depending on the level of edits needed and our content calendar needs, your post could get published anywhere from 2-4 weeks after you’ve submitted it. This can be longer if we are particularly backlogged.

Ready to pitch?

Fill in the form below. Here’s what to include:

  • A little about yourself: What experience or expertise will you be drawing from in your post?
  • Proposed ideas: Topic ideas are great, title ideas are even better!
  • Writing samples: Please link to at least one existing publication.

We’re looking forward to learning from and working with you!

Ownership and credit

If your article is accepted and published, your information will appear along with it. As such, make sure to also include the following along with your article submission:

  • A photo of yourself
  • A short biography (no more than 200 words)
  • A link to your website
  • Links to your social media channels
  • Everything submitted and published by us will remain your property. You understand and agree that you give us an exclusive right to use the article and related materials as per this agreement. However, you are allowed to republish the article on your own website at any time after it’s been published on our website.
  • If not it will be posted as – Matt Biscay

Review process

We’ll do our best to review all submitted articles as quickly as possible. However, due to the large number of article submissions we receive regularly, it may take a while to get back to you so please be patient and don’t resubmit the same article multiple times.

Not all submitted articles will be accepted. We reserve the right to refuse any article at our sole discretion. If your article is not accepted, we’ll get in touch with you to let you know so you could possibly make another submission.

Article publishing

If your article is accepted, it will be added to our publication queue and published according to its schedule. We’ll send you a notification when that happens. We may also republish your article on our affiliate and partner websites.

Note that we reserve the right to make corrections and changes in the article as we see fit (such as its format, wording, spelling, etc).

Promotion and engagement

Once your article is published, we’ll promote it to our audience for wider exposure and better engagement. This may include sending a newsletter, posting on your social media channels, making an announcement or linking to it from your own website.

You must take active part in replying to all comments left for your article, respond to questions, and otherwise engage with the audience for the first 4 weeks since its publication.