Rush - Spirit Of Radio guitar tab

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Rush - Spirit Of Radio guitar tab

Rush - "The Spirit Of Radio"
Transcribed by Damon Schmidt.

Key to Notation: T = Tap, P = Pull-off, H = Hammer-on

 Main Riff-

 T P  P  H  T   P  P  H  T  P  P  H  T  P  P  P  H

 T P  P  H  T   P  P  H  T  P  P  H  T  P  P  P  H

                    Repeat Main Riff 7 Times
  While Guitar 1    T P  P  H  T   P  P  H  T  P  P  H  T  P  P  P  H 
  is repeating     ---^--^--^--^---^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^----
  the main riff->  -7--5--3--5--10--5--3--5--7--5--3--5--9--7--5--3--5---
  Guitar 2 is      ------------------------------------------------------
  playing a full   ------------------------------------------------------
  extension E5     ------------------------------------------------------
  a la Tom Sawyer  ------------------------------------------------------
                                               Ascending patt. Repeat 4 times
'Tom Sawyer' E5 0      -----------------------|----------------------------
                5      -----------------------|----------------------------
                4      -----------------------|----------------------------
                2      --4--2--0-----0--------|--------------------------2-
                2      -----------3-----3--2--|--------------0--2--3--4----
                0      -----------------------|--0--2--3--4----------------

  E         B5          G#5                     A5                    B5

   Pre-verse riff

  E               B5             G#5                A5

   Verse riff one(times 2)  "Begin the day..."

  E               B5             G#5                A5

   Repeat Pre-verse section once then-

   Verse riff two(times 2) "Off on your way..."


   End Verse riff


Mute all notes on the staff below...

----------------------  Play this muted part twice, then repeat(14 times)
--7--5--3---9--7--5---  while the other gtr plays the Main riff(also 14 times)

  "All this machinery..."
  Let all chords ring freely(times 4)

  E                 B5                G#5               A       B

  Repeat End verse riff, repeat muted part(times 2), repeat muted part
  (times 14) and Main riff(times 14), then-

  Repeat the following measure twice

  E                D/F#             E/G#

  Repeat Pre-verse riff once , End Verse riff once
  Repeat Main riff twice, then a descending scale that
  I haven't tried to figure out yet, then the ascending
  patt. 4 times, then-

  this pattern varies slightly times 3, Ascending patt, times 2, then above
  pattern with variations, then Ascending patt. times two, then solo, Ascending
  patt, times 5, Main riff once , then-


  Sorry, no solo yet, but soon.