Rush - Mission guitar tab

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Rush - Mission guitar tab

Rush: Mission
From the album Hold Your Fire (Mercury Records)
Copyright 1987 Core Music Publishing
Music by Lee and Lifeson
Lyrics by Peart

Comments/corrections to Rich Soto 

Transcription by C.D. Bruce (

Previous Transcribed by:
     Richard J. Soto (
     Jimmy Pena (email not available)

Synth intro (Guitar rests for 15 measures)

  B                                   Esus2             w/delay
  ww                                  w                 Q     q   e q

  G#m7                            F#                    w/delay
  wHe                             we                    Q     q   e e ew

Guitar rests for 7 measures

                B                                       E
                ew  e e e e e e e e   e e e e e e e e   e e e e e e e e

                    G#m7                                F#
  e e e e e e e e   h       e e       e     e     e     e e e e e e e e

  e e e e e e e

Guitar rests for 12 measures

  ww                                  ww

  G                 A/G               Bm                A/C#
  w                 w                 w                 w


                                      e     e   e qw

                F#                    w/delay
                ew                    e     e   e eq

                Eno3rd                w/delay
                ew                    e     e   e qw


Guitar rests for 10 measures

  D                 A                 G                 A
  w                 h       q         w                 w/G

  Bm                A/C#
  w                 w

Bridge section
GTR1:  Clean single coil/crisp tone
GTR2:  Distorted tone

  Repeat 8 times
  e e e e e e e e q     e e e e sse sse e e   e e e e sse sse e e
                      | A#    C#    D#  A#          C#        C   |
                      | e     Q     q   q     e     he        q   |

  e e e e sse sse e e   e e e e sse sse e e   e e e e sse sse e e
| A#    C#    D#  A#          C#                                  |
|                                   (w/arm)                       |
| e     Q     q   q     e     He      -.5     Q     q   e q   q   |

  e e e e sse sse e e   e e e e sse sse e e   e e e e sse e
|                                       __3__ __3__               |
| q   q   q   h         we            e e e e e e e Q     h       |

            Repeat 2 times
            e e e e e  q    q     e e e e e  q    q

  C     D#    F   C           D#    F   C     A#    D#    F   C
  Q     Q     q   q     Q     Q     q   q     Q     Q     q   q

  C     D#    F   C     D
  Q     Q     q   q     ww

Guitar rests for 10 measures.

  w                 w                 w                 w

  D                 A                 D                 A
  q   q   h         q   q   h         q   q   h         q   q   q   q

  G                 A/G               G                 A
  w                 w                 w                 w

  D                 A                 D                 A
  q   q   h         q   q   h         q   q   h         q   q   q   q

  G                 A                 G                 A
  w                 w                 w                 w

  h       h         e Q     w 1               e e  we                ss
  H           e e   H           e e   H           e eh          e e e e e

  h       q   q     h       h         e e e       q     e e he        ss

                                      fading starts ------- ------ -----
  __3__                               __3__             __3__
  e e e  e e - - - - - - - - - - - -  e e e  e e e e    e e q   q   q
|-151915-1915- -repeat trill - - - -|-121512-15121512-|-101210-/15------|

  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- -- -- - -  -
  h       q   q e   e e e e   s sss   E  E  e E  E  e   H           q

  -   -    -     -
  h       q   e e

Hold your fire
Keep it burning bright
Hold the flame 'til the dream ignites
A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission

I hear their passionate music
Read the words that touch my heart
I gaze at their feverish pictures
The secrets that set them apart

When I feel the powerful visions
Their fire has made alive
I wish I had that instinct
I wish I had that drive

  Spirits fly on dangerous missions
  Imaginations on fire
  Focused high on soaring ambitions
  Consumed in a single desire

  In the grip of a nameless possession
  A slave to the drive of obsession
  A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission...

I watch their images flicker
Bringing light to a lifeless screen
I walk through their beautiful buildings
And I wish I had their dreams

But dreams don't need to have motion
To keep their spark alive
Obsession has to have action
Pride turns on the drive

  Spirits fly on dangerous missions
  Imaginations on fire
  Focused high on soaring ambitions
  Consumed in a single desire

  In the grip of a nameless possession
  A slave to the drive of obsession
  A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission...

It's cold comfort
To the ones without it
To know how they struggled
How they suffered about it

If their lives were exotic and strange
They would likely have gladly exchanged them
For something a little more plain
Maybe something a little more sane

We each pay a fabulous price
For our visions of paradise
But a spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission
A spirit with a vision is a dream...

Tablature Contributors:
This transcription was created by C. D. Bruce (
in the format described below.  It was previously transcribed by
by Richard J. Soto ( and Jimmy Pena (no
email available).

This tablature represents how the song is played as closely as reasonably
achievable to the studio recording.  The Show of Hands concert video and
the Presto Pro Shot video were used in preparation of this transcription.
Alex Lifeson may have played it slightly differently.

Revision History:
Rev. 0:  Date not available
Rev. 1:  03-08-1999

Tablature Explanation:
(+) = This symbol stands for "Coda". A passage at the end of a movement
      or composition that brings it to a formal close.
AC  = "Al coda" - means "to the tail", tells you that you must go
      to the end section which starts with the Coda sign (+).
DC  = "Da capo" - means "from the head", when you see these initials
      you go back to the beginning of the piece of music.
DS  = "Dal segno" - means "from the sign", go back in the tabulature
      only as far as the (%) sign.
(.) = Fermata, the prolongation of a tone, chord, or rest beyond
      its indicated time value.
RF  = repeat and fade
Rit = "Ritardando" - Gradually slowing in tempo; retarding.
~   = vibrato
.   = staccato; mute the note immediately after striking it
^   = bend string up to indicated pitch/fret shown in parenthesis ()
h   = hammer
p   = pull
r   = release bend (string/fret may be indicated)
s   = slide (used when back slash "\" or forward slash "/" don't fit)
t   = fret board tap (not many of these with Rush)
u   = unison bend, the lower note is bent to achieve unison with the
      higher note
x   = percussive note with no pitch or a muted note
|   = bar separating measures
/   = slide up the neck towards the bridge
\   = slide down the neck towards the nut
x/  = pick slide up
x\  = pick slide down
<5> = natural harmonic (lightly touch the string above the fret
[5] = artificial harmonic (use thumb to follow through the pick attack)
o   =\ repeat sign
o   =/
LT  = "Lifeson Tuning" or Modified Nashville Tuning.  When the low E, A,
      and D strings (usually on a 6 string acoustic) are replaced with
      lighter gauge strings and tuned one octave higher than normal
      (different from Nashville tuning which would also include the G
      string being tuned one octave higher).

Other pertinent information:
  Tempo:  1/4 note = ???
  Tuning:  Standard [EADGBe].
  Key signature:  TBD
  Effects:  Distortion, Delay, Chorus (possibly Digital Dimension)
  Chord & Scale Chart Below:  See tablature

Tablature Format:

This Tablature is primarily based on the formats indicated below.

  1   2   3   4     1   2   3   4     <--Quarter note beat locations
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   <--Eighth note beat locations
                                      <--Effects/Misc Line
  D                 C     G/B         <--Chord Line
  e e e q   q   e   e e e q   e e e   <--Note Duration Line (table below)
|-----2-----------|-----------------| <--High E string
|-------3---------|-----------------| <--B string
|---2-------2---0-|-----0-------0---| <--G string
|-0---------------|---2-------0---0-| <--D string
|-----------------|-3-----2---------| <--A string
|-----------------|-----------------| <--E string


   4/4                               <--Time Signature & Effects Line
   D                                 <--Chord Line
   e   e   e   q       q       e     <--Note Duration Line (table below)
e|---------2-----------------------|G<--High E string
B|-------------3-------------------|T<--B string
G|-----2---------------2-------0---|R<--G string
D|(0)------------------------------|1<--D string
A|---------------------------------| <--A string
E|---------------------------------| <--E string
                                    ^=Space identifies guitar or keys
   1       2       3       4         <--Quarter note beat locations
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8     <--Eighth note beat locations

Effects/Misc Line:  Provides effects information, number of repeats, etc.

Chord Line:  Provides the chord name for the chords used in the
             tab below.

Note Duration Line:  Provides the "value" of each note, e.g., whole,
                     half, quarter, etc.

Note Duration Designator Table:
  w = Whole note                   h = Half note
  q = Quarter note                 H = Dotted half note
  Q = Dotted Quarter note          s = Sixteenth note
  e = Eighth note                  S = Dotted sixteenth note
  E = Dotted eighth note           + = Duration exceeds 2 measures
  t = Thirty-second note
  T = Dotted thirty-second note

  Notes with two designations immediately adjacent to each other
  have durations added (e.g., he = half note + eigth note, etc.)

String lines:  Represent the strings of a guitar.  The tab is laid
               out as if you placed a right handed guitar on your
               lap, string side up.  A vertical line character "|"
               represents a bar between measures.  A dash "-" represents
               each string.  The numbers indicate which fret should
               be fingered to sound the note.  The first space after
               every bar is a blank space that is almost never used.
               Quarter notes are separated by 3 dashes, eighth notes
               are separated by 1 dash.  In an effort to make the
               ASCII tab look as much like tab in a music book, the
               notes are spaced out as accurately as possible.  In the
               event the notes will not fit into the format shown above,
               the tab may be expanded (usually only required for