Zack Hemsey - Vengeance photo

Zack Hemsey – Vengeance

Zack Hemsey est un compositeur et musicien américain qui a produit pas mal de musiques pour des films et bande-annonces. L’une de ses musiques, “Mind Heist” a notamment été utilisée pour le trailer d’Inception.

Voici “Vengeance” :

On peut retrouver “Vengeance” dans l’excellent film The Equalizer, dans un des trailer de la saison 2 de Game of Thrones, et dans celui de 24: Live Another Day.

Death of a Salesman: Tragedy versus Social Drama photo

Death of a Salesman: Tragedy versus Social Drama

  1. Death of a Salesman : an extended introduction
  2. Family in Death of a Salesman
  3. Death of a Salesman: Tragedy versus Social Drama
  4. Death of a Salesman: the play’s structure, a memory play

Lots of critics have debated the tragic dimension of Death of a Salesman. Two levels have often been considered: the notion of genre, by referring to Aristotle’s Poetics, and the possibility of a new approach to tragedy, that would be concerned with the response of mankind to rapid technological advance.

The generic discussion (from genre) has often borne on an opposition between social drama dealing with the little man as a victim of an oppressive, social and economic system, and tragedy in which the transcendental aspect is emphasized.

Miller himself has reflected on this issue in a seminal essay Tragedy and the Common Man (The New York Times, February 27, 1949). It is clear that Death of a Salesman raises the possibility of a modern tragedy because unlike the absurdist theatre (Ionesco and Beckett), it postulates that ‘life has meaning’.

The question of the tragedy in contradistinction to social drama will be treated along three axes.

Firstly, it can be argued that Death of a Salesman is more than a social document in that it creates a modern myth through a central symbol: salesmanship (Eugene O’Neill: The Iceman Cometh).

Secondly, we may wonder whether or not Loman is invested with a tragic dimension.

Thirdly, is Death of a Salesman a ruthless indictment of American Society, along Marxist or, at least radical (in the American acceptation) lines, or does it go much beyond its social and historical context to bring about tragic catharsis in the audience?

Social testimony versus tragic myth?

The contemporary absence of tragedy

According to Miller, the absence of tragedy in contemporary American drama (1949) can be explained by the fact that man’s motivations are increasingly accounted for in purely psychiatric and sociological terms.

Literature tends to suggest that man’s miseries are born and bred within man’s mind: this is the psychological argument or, that society must be held responsible for man’s distress because of the deterministic laws that govern it – this is the point made by sociologists.

In each case, the possibility of the tragedy is denied because tragedy stems from an individual choice to assess, then to call into question and ultimately to rebel against the order of things.

“The thrust for freedom is equality in tragedy which exalts” (Tragedy and the Common Man, p.5)

If Willy Loman is simply considered as the poor, helpless victim of capitalist big business, then he is deprived of any tragic dimension. If he is merely a cog in the gigantic capitalist wheel that eventually crushes him to death, he is denied a tragic dimension. If he’s driven to madness, he has no tragic potential either.

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Activer SSH sous CPanel photo 4

Activer SSH sous CPanel

ssh logo

Il peut être extrêmement utile d’activer la connexion SSH chez certains hébergeurs qui la proposent, comme SiteGround. Cela permet de gagner pas mal de temps, notamment lorsque l’on utilise wp-cli.

Mais avant de pouvoir se connecter, il faut d’abord l’activer dans les options de CPanel.

Activation de la connection SSH dans CPanel

Rendez-vous dans CPanel > Security > SSH Shell Access :

cpanel ssh

Ensuite, cliquez sur le bouton Manage SSH Keys:

cpanel ssh manage

Nous avons ensuite le choix entre deux solutions : soit nous créons la paire de clés privées/publiques sur le serveur et nous les copions sur notre machine locale, soit nous la créons en locale et l’envoyons sur le serveur. Je suis plutôt pour la seconde solution.

Création des clés SSH

On se rend dans le répertoire SSH de notre utilisateur et on liste le répertoire:

cd ~/.ssh

Si le fichier existe déjà, il suffit d’afficher son contenu:

cat id_rsa.pubCode language: CSS (css)

Si le fichier n’existe pas, il suffit de le créer:


Copiez le contenu du fichier, il s’agit de la clé publique que nous allons importer dans CPanel.

Import de notre clé SSH dans CPanel

Cliquez sur Import Key:

cpanel ssh import

Renommez la clé pour id_rsa puis collez le contenu de votre clé SSH publique:

cpanel ssh import ssh key

Il ne vous reste plus qu’à vous connecter en SSH au serveur. Suivant votre hébergeur, le numéro du port SSH peut changer pour des raisons de sécurité. Chez SiteGround, SSH tourne sur le port 18765:

ssh CPANEL_USER@CPANEL_SERVER -p18765Code language: CSS (css)

Bon ssh !