Ozzy Osbourne - I Dont Want To Change The World guitar tab

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Ozzy Osbourne - I Dont Want To Change The World guitar tab

"I Don't Want to Change the World" by Ozzy Osbourne.
 D# tuning
 Legend: / = Slide up
         \ = Slide down
         ^ = hammer on / pull off
         ( ) = bend
         ph = pinch harmonic
	 pm = palm muting  

D# |-----------------------------------|---------------------------|
A# |-----------------------------------|---------------------------|
F# |---2--------2--------------5--5/7--|---2--------2-----2--------|
C# |---2--------2--------------5--5/7--|---2--------2-----2--------|
G# |---0--x--x--0--x--x--x--x--3--3/5--|---0--x--x--0--x--0--------|
D# |-----------------------------------|---------------------------|
 The whole song primarely goes along those lines... When he comes to the refrain, it
 switches to:
   I don't want to change...

 Then, right before the solo: