Megadeth - Sweating Bullets guitar tab

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Megadeth - Sweating Bullets guitar tab

                              "Sweating Bullets"
                                 by Megadeth
                         from Countdown to Extinction
Transcription by Paul Bryant (
This version is a hybrid adapted from the March, 1993 issue of
Guitar For the Practicing Musician, and the tab found in the Countdown
to Extinction tab book from Warner Bros. Publications, Inc.
Song is in 4/4
LEGEND:    <(+1)  means full string bend
             \    means slide down the neck 
             /    means slide up the neck
             H    means hammer-on
             P    means pull-off
[Figure A]
Repeat Figure A                                                               
Repeat Figure A
                                        Pick Slide
    hold bend....   hold bend....        hold bend....   hold bend....
    hold bend....   hold bend....       hold bend..        Let Ring.....
    hold bend....   hold bend....        hold bend....   hold bend....
    hold bend....   hold bend....                                       
                Let Ring............
Repeat From Figure A
[Interlude 1]
| [Guitar 2]            |                   |
 Partial Mute
                                         Half Time
[Figure C]
Repeat Figure C
Repeat Figure C
Repeat Figure C
                     Double Time    hold.......................
Back to Figure A and finish song.