Iron Maiden - Prowler guitar tab

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Iron Maiden - Prowler guitar tab

Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 17:34:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: pithan 
From: Michael Jones 
Subject: i/iron_maiden/


 repeat twice, then go to...

 and now start over

after once alone, lead guitar comes in with
this riff done on wah-wah/distortion

  ^repeat this^ 
 3 times, then do the trill 

verses: same as intro, but lead guitar
isn't playing with wah.
also, there's a fill in at the end of the 
D power chords, it goes



 same rhythm as verse. play it twice, then...


then both guitars play

 that part's not quite right, but i can't get
anything else good.

repeat all that once more. then go to the chorus.



lead: with wah

repeat verse once, then play chorus again


 play it twice alone, then rhythm comes in

 these chords are only played once for each time
the lead is repeated. listen to the song, and 
you'll understand. 

do it all together twice, and then you're into 
the solo, which i haven't figured out yet. but, 
other than that, the song's complete. enjoy