ZZ Top - Wood2 guitar tab

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ZZ Top - Wood2 guitar tab

------------------------------PLEASE NOTE------------------------------I
This file is the author`s own work and represents their interpretation I
of the song. You may only use this file for private study,scholarship, I
or research.                                                           I
Typed out by Fritz Mayr/Guitar Player from Silent Cry

                    WOKE UP WITH WOOD (ZZ TOP)
        (Words+Music by Billy Gibbons,Dusty Hill,Frank Beard)         

 Intro: (played 4 times)

and for the rest of the song, billy use a lot of Quart(4) Doublestop
Riffs, who`s a ZZ Top trademark. Like this
  Eb4  F4     Bb4
E---------------------I(Bass plays C pedal Tone over Eb4 + F4 )

              Eb4                   F4
1.Verse: When i woke up this morning
               Eb4                 F4
         i was feeling mighty good
            Eb4                                 F4
         my baby understood, had to do what she should
         Eb4                      F4
         lying near a pile of wood
         F5               Eb4 F4
         laying on it some
         F5                 Eb4 F4   G5
         playing with it some        when i 
         G5                  Eb4 F4
         i woke up with wood
               Eb4                                 F4
2.Verse: i was lying there thinking ´bout basketball
         Eb4                        F4
         trying not to lose my mind
         Eb4                                     F4
         my baby come to help and i let out a yell
         Eb4                       F4
         she grabbed me from behind
         F5               Eb4 F4
         laying on it some
         F5                 Eb4 F4   G5
         playing with it some        when i 
         G5                  Eb4 F4
         i woke up with wood
         Eb4                            F4
3.Verse: beauty queens fall into trances
         Eb4                       F4
         debutantes lose their furs
         Eb4                                  F4
         but it felt so good from where they stood
                   Eb4                      F4
         they were working on a pile of wood
                  F5               Eb4 F4
         laying on it some
         F5                 Eb4 F4   G5
         playing with it some        when i 
         G5                  Eb4 F4
         i woke up with wood