Rush - Vital Signs guitar tab

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Rush - Vital Signs guitar tab

Rush: Vital Signs
From the album Moving Pictures (Mercury Records)
Copyright 1981 Core Music Publishing
Music by Lee and Lifeson
Lyrics by Peart

Comments/corrections to C. D. Bruce 

Transcription by C. D. Bruce (, Tony Kennedy
( and J-Punk (

Revision 02, submitted 8-27-98.

| Intro - repeat  |
| with fade in    |
| Cm              |       Bb  Gm  Ab      Ab6
| q   q   q   q   | e e   e   e   e   e   Hw

  Repeat 4 times
      Cm      Ab        Cm                    Ab        Cm
      e       e         e e           e       e         e e       e

              Ab        Cm
      e       e         e e           e e e q   e e q     e e e

  e e e e e e e e   e e e e e e e e   e e e e e e e e   e e e e e e e e

                 by external interference...
                    Ab    Eb
  e e e e e e e e   e e   e   e   e     e e   e e e e   e e e e e e e e

                    Cm    Bb  G7m Ab      Ab6
  e e e e e e e e   e e   e   e   e   e   Hw

  Chorus 1
      Cm                Bb                Bb                Ab
      e q   e           e q   e           e q   e           e q   e

                   ___________________________________ _____________
                  | ending 1                          | ending 2
      Cm          | Bb    G7m   Ab                    | Bb    G7m
      e q   e     | Q     Q     qw                    | Q     Q

                                                  | Repeat 4 times
  Ab    Ab6     Abmaj7                            |     Cm      Ab
  Q     Q       ww                                |     e       e

                    (*-single repeat delay, #-delay off)
      Cm                    Ab        Cm        #               Ab
      e e           e       e         e e       e       e       e

                              Repeat 4 times
  e e e q   e e q     e e e   q   q   q   q     q   Q     e e e

  Cm    Bb      Ab                    Bb
  e e   e   e   e   q   e   e e e e   q   q   q   q     q   Q     e e e

  Cm    Bb  G7m Ab      Ab6
  e e   e   e   e   e   Hw

  Chorus 2
      Cm                Bb                Bb                Ab
      e q   e           e q   e           e q   e           e q   e e

                   ___________________________________ _____________
                  | ending 1                          | ending 2
      Cm          | Bb    G7m   Ab                    | Bb    G7m
      e q   e     | Q     Q     qw                    | Q     Q

  Ab    Ab6     Abmaj7                            |
  Q     Q       ww                                |

Guitar tacet for 8 bars (bass solo)

  Repeat 3 times
  Cm                Bb                Abmaj7
  w                 w                 ww

  Cm                Bb                Abmaj7
  w                 w                 w                 h       h

  Cm                Bb                Ab                            Bb
  h       h         h       h         h       h         q   q   q   q

  Cm                Bb                Ab                        Bb
  h       q   q     h       h         h       h         q   q   q   q

  Cm                Bb                Ab                            Bb
  q   q   q   q     q   q   h         q   q   h         q   q   q   q

  Cm                Bb                Ab                        Bb
  q   q   q   q     q   q   q   q     q   q   h         q   q   q   q


Unstable condition,
A symptom of life,
Of mental and environmental change.
Atmospheric disturbance,
The feverish flux
Of human interface and interchange.

The impulse is pure;
Sometimes our circuits get shorted
By external interference.
Signals get crossed
And the balance distorted
By internal incoherence.

Chorus 1:
A tired mind become a shape shifter,
Everybody need a mood lifter,
Everybody need reverse polarity.
Everybody got mixed feelings
About the function and the form.
Everybody got to deviate from the norm.

An ounce of perception,
A pound of obscure.
Process information at half speed.
Pause, rewind, replay,
Warm memory chip,
Random sample, hold the one you need.

Leave out the fiction,
The fact is, this friction
Will only be worn by persistence.
Leave out conditions,
Courageous convictions
Will drag the dream into existence.

Chorus 2:
A tired mind become a shape shifter,
Everybody need a soft filter,
Everybody need reverse polarity.
Everybody got mixed feelings
About the function and the form.
Everybody got to elevate from the norm...

Outro Lyrics:
Everybody got mixed feelings
Everybody got mixed feelings
Everybody got to deviate from the norm.
Everybody got to deviate from the norm.
Everybody got to elevate from the norm.
Everybody got to elevate from the norm.
Everybody got to elevate from the norm.
Everybody got to evalate from the norm.
Everybody got to escalate from the norm.
Everybody got to elevate.
Everybody got to elevate from the norm.
Everybody got to deviate from the norm.
Everybody got to deviate...

Tablature Contributors:
This transcription was created by C. D. Bruce (
in the format described below.  It was previously transcibed by
Tony Kennedy ( and J-Punk (

This tablature represents how the song is played as closely as reasonably
achievable to the studio recording.  Alex Lifeson may have played it
slightly differently.  Video footage from the LeStudio and Grace Under
Pressure Tour Videos was utilized as part of the verification of this

Revision History:
Revision 00:  Date unavailable.  First post by C. D. Bruce of this song
Revision 01:  July 6, 1998.  Reformatted in a more condensed form.
              Corrected C to Cm.  Added "updated" second chorus.
Revision 02:  August 27, 1998.  Corrected A6 to Ab6.

Tablature Explanation:
NT   = Nashville Tuning is when the low E, A, D & G strings are replaced with
       lighter gauge strings and tuned one octave higher than normal.
|    = bar separating measures
~    = vibrato
x    = percussive note with no pitch; muted note
.    = staccato; mute the note immediately after striking it
h    = hammer
p    = pull
s    = slide (used when \ or / don't fit)
^    = bend string up to indicated pitch/fret shown in parenthesis ()
r    = release bend (string/fret may be indicated)
t    = fret board tap (not many of these with Rush)
/    = slide up
\    = slide down
x/   = pick slide up
x\   = pick slide down
<5>  = natural harmonic (lightly touch the string at fret indicated)
[5]  = artificial harmonic (use thumb to follow through the pick attack)
(5)  = note sustained from previous measure
o    =\ repeat sign
o    =/
DC   = "Da capo" - means "from the head", when you see these initials
        you go back to the beginning of the piece of music.
DS   = "Dal segno" - means "from the sign", go back in the tabulature
        only as far as the (%) sign.
Coda = A passage at the end of a movement or composition that brings
       it to a formal close.
Coda = means "to the tail", tells you that you must go to the end
          section which starts with the Coda sign (+).
RF   = repeat and fade
rit  = "ritardando" - Gradually slowing in tempo; retarding.

Other pertinent information:
  Tempo:  1/4 note = ???
  Tuning:  Standard [EADGBe].
  Key signature:  Ab?
  Effects:  Overdrive, Delay, Chorus
  Chord Chart Below for major chords used:

      8     Cm                6     Bb                3     Gm
  e |-O-|---|---|---|     e |-O-|---|---|---|     e |-O-|---|---|---|
  B |-O-|---|---|---|     B |-O-|---|---|---|     B |-O-|---|---|---|
  G |-O-|---|---|---|     G |---|-O-|---|---|     G |-O-|---|---|---|
  D |---|---|-O-|---|     D |---|---|-O-|---|     D |---|---|-O-|---|
  A |---|---|-O-|---|     A |---|---|-O-|---|     A |---|---|-O-|---|
  E |-O-|---|---|---|     E |-O-|---|---|---|     E |-O-|---|---|---|

      4     Ab                4     Ab6               7     Eb
  e |-O-|---|---|---|     e |-O-|---|---|---|     e |---|---|---|---|
  B |-O-|---|---|---|     B |---|---|-O-|---|     B |---|---|(O-|---|
  G |---|-O-|---|---|     G |---|-O-|---|---|     G |---|---|(O-|---|
  D |---|---|-O-|---|     D |---|---|-x-|---|     D |---|---|(O-|---|
  A |---|---|-O-|---|     A |---|---|-O-|---|     A |-O-|---|---|---|
  E |-O-|---|---|---|     E |-O-|---|---|---|     E |---|---|---|---|

      3     G7m               3    Abmaj7
  e |-O-|---|---|---|     e |-O-|---|---|---|
  B |-O-|---|---|---|     B |---|-O-|---|---| * The note designated
  G |-O-|---|---|---|     G |---|---|-O-|---|   by an asterisk (*) can
  D |-O-|---|---|---|     D |---|---|-O-|---|   be achieved either
  A |---|---|-O-|---|     A |---|-x-|---|---|   by using the thumb
  E |-O-|---|---|---|     E |---|-*-|---|---|   or index finger

Tablature Format:

This Tablature is based on the format indicated below.

  1   2   3   4     1   2   3   4     <--Quarter note beat locations
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   <--Eighth note beat locations
                                      <--Effects/Misc Line
  D                 C     G/B         <--Chord Line
  e e e q   q   e   e e e q   e e e   <--Note Duration Line (table below)
|-----2-----------|-----------------| <--High E string
|-------3---------|-----------------| <--B string
|---2-------2---0-|-----0-------0---| <--G string
|-0---------------|---2-------0---0-| <--D string
|-----------------|-3-----2---------| <--A string
|-----------------|-----------------| <--E string

Effects/Misc Line:  Provides effects information, number of repeats, etc.

Chord Line:  Provides the chord name for the chords used in the
             tab below.

Note Duration Line:  Provides the "value" of each note, e.g., whole,
                     half, quarter, etc.

Note Duration Designator Table:
  w = Whole note                   h = Half note
  q = Quarter note                 H = Dotted half note
  Q = Dotted Quarter note          s = Sixteenth note
  e = Eighth note                  S = Dotted sixteenth note
  E = Dotted eighth note           + = Duration exceeds 2 measures
  t = Thirty-second note
  T = Dotted thirty-second note

  Notes with two designations immediately adjacent to each other
  have durations added (e.g., he = half note + eigth note, etc.)

String lines:  Represent the strings of a guitar.  The tab is laid
               out as if you placed a right handed guitar on your
               lap, string side up.  A vertical line character "|"
               represents a bar between measures.  A dash "-" represents
               each string.  The numbers indicate which fret should
               be fingered to sound the note.  The first space after
               every bar is a blank space that is almost never used.
               Quarter notes are separated by 3 dashes, eighth notes
               are separated by 1 dash.  In an effort to make the
               ASCII tab look as much like tab in a music book, the
               notes are spaced out as accurately as possible.  In the
               event the notes will not fit into the format shown above,
               the tab will be expanded (usually only required for