Rush - Test For Echo guitar tab

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Rush - Test For Echo guitar tab

Rush: Test for Echo
From the album (Atlantic Records)
Copyright 1996 Core Music Publishing
Music by Lee and Lifeson
Lyrics by Peart and Dubois (Judy Letostak)
The Music Shop BBS (619)423-4970
1:202/1109 (FidoNet)

Please listen to the recording for the exact phrasing
of the song.  This is in no way 100% accurate or complete.
Remember, these tabs are free, if you want an accurate
and complete tab, go to your local music store and shell out
$25.00 for a book...Don't complain to the person posting the
tabs...If we were that good, we'd be working for the guitar

Tune down 1 step

Rhy Fig 1


-------0--------0--|End Fig 1

Chorus w/Fig 1

Riff A


Rhy Fig 2





                       let ring------------------

Pre-chorus w/riff a 4x



2nd verse Rhy Fig 2
Chorus Fig 1













Rhy Fig 5  (3x)
2x================    2x==============

Pre-Chorus W/Riff A (4x)
Chorus Outro W Fig 1