Rush - Middletown Dreams guitar tab

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Rush - Middletown Dreams guitar tab

Rush: Middletown Dreams
From the album Power Windows (Mercury Records)
Copyright 1985 Core Music Publishing
Music by Lee and Lifeson
Lyrics by Peart

Comments/corrections to Rich Soto 

Transcribed by Tony Zimmermann 
Comments welcome

Am   :  x02210
G    :  320033
F    :  133211
Dm   :  x57765
Bb   :  x13331
Csus2:  x35533
G/B  :  x20033


Office door...        rake

But he's still...

Another day...                                        Slapback delay

F           Am           G           F

Dreams flow....
Am, G, F
Am, G, F
Am, G/B, F

....Boy walks.....                 1,2           3            4

Synth  (arr. for guitar)



------------------------------------------Outline C Pentatonic Major---


 Dm, F, Bb, Csus2, Dm



---------------------------------1--------3------   -5-
---------8-------8---------------1--------3------   -8-
------10---10------10------2--2--3--------5------   -5-
---10---------10------10---2--2--3--------5------   -7-
-8-------------------------0--0--1--------3------   -5-
-------------------------------------------------   ---