Metallica - Bleeding Me guitar tab

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Metallica - Bleeding Me guitar tab

                    Bleeding Me
    Words and Music by:Hetfield,Ulrich,and Hammett
               Transcribed by:Luis Soro

Intro:         Tune Guitars down 1/2 step

 Riff A



 Rhy Fig 1 (w/ Riff A)
 Slowly, let ring

                                               end Rhy Fig 1

I'm Diggin' My Way.........              I'm Diggin My Way to something...

I'm Diggin My Way to Something Better....


Pre-chorus:Guitar2                  Stop here on repeat and play 2nd part

Skip this 2nd time|     (2nd part)Play second time:


Every time except 1st,Play this after each chorus line:

Second Main Riff:
      pm....    pm....      pm...

*Here's That Kick Ass Solo!:
*Only bend bottoms Notes Full                  pm.........|



|----------------------------------14---Hold Bend--|

     h  p



                                                   Tremolo Pick this part

Half Time Feel:




WHEW!Thank God that's over with.That was 
one major pain doing that solo,so Enjoy!