Iron Maiden - Flight Of Icarus guitar tab

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Iron Maiden - Flight Of Icarus guitar tab

From: (Rob Schenk)
Subject: Tab: Iron Maiden "Flight of Icarus"
Date: Tue Jun  7 10:36:55 CDT 1994

                   Flight of Icarus
              by Iron Maiden(Smith Dickinson)
      Transcribed by Eddie Breslin(

   A    E    F#m

     LET RING        [2nd Verse-hold chord position]
   As the sun...

                       A    E
|----------------------7----2-LET RING----------------------------|
   Stands on ...

   A    F#m
        A bird song ...

   F#(m)            Ab+5 (E/Ab)     A             B    C#
   His eyes seem so glazed, ...

I'll try and show the idea of the chorus, listen for the
strumming and chord slides. At the end go back to strumming
the F# power chord as in the intro.

   F#m          E            D C# D                        E
   Fly, on your way, like ....
   Sun, on your way, like ...

   F#m                 A    E    F#m

   A    E                       A    E    F#m

For Solo 2 use BRIDGE

Play through BRIDGE several times then on the last one
stop at the B power chord(let it ring) and then strum
F#m fast and end with A E F#m as in the intro.