AC/DC - Caught With Your Pants Down guitar tab

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AC/DC - Caught With Your Pants Down guitar tab

Caught with your pants down 





                                           Runnin' round...   

                         goin' out...                        

 playin'...                                bad cards...                              

                        wanna dance            wanna sing                             

 whip you...                                                 to-           

  night...                                     out drivin'...
                            maybe I'll get beat up                          

 caught with...                                caught with...       

                             caught with...                                                       

 caught with...                                                                                   

            lining up...                                       giong out...

                                     gettin' caught...

             take it hard...                                         woman...                    

                                            givin' it...          

                 just like...                                                to-

 night...                                      out drivin'...              

                             maybe I'll get beat up                         

 caught...          chorus:                                                                        

after 2nd chorus play straight A and B to solo:
  A                    B                                              

 bridge to solo:                                                                       


Tablature by Clemens Fehlow.