De l'importance du cahier des charges du développement web photo

De l’importance du cahier des charges du développement web


J’ai eu l’occasion récemment d’écrire un formulaire de contact ainsi que son traitement PHP pour une entreprise de construction canadienne qui cherche à recruter du personnel.

Je commence à écrire le code. Je connais bien les formulaires étant donné que c’est l’un de mes premiers scripts (2001 si je ne m’abuse).

Je place le script sur mon serveur, commence ma batterie de tests histoire de pallier toutes les situations auxquelles un utilisateur lambda peut être confronté. Le code que je livre est en en CSS3 et HTML5 valides.

Tout s’affiche impeccablement dans tous les navigateurs. Je me dis que c’est une affaire qui roule lorsque le client m’envoie quelques emails pour me demander quelques corrections, additions, et l’intégration du script dans son site.

C’est là que le vent a commencé à tourner.

Lire la suite

Mail-it Now! Professional Edition

Mail-it Now! Professional version is an advanced state-of-the-art form2mail script written in PHP which features:

  • fields check so that the data format is verified prior to submittion
  • multiple file uploads and email attachments
  • full email headers including CC and BCC so that multiple recipients can be added
  • option to set file type restrictions and set a maximum file size for uploaded files
  • option to create HTML or text-only email
  • option to keep uploaded files on the server
  • option to delete uploaded files after a defined period of time
  • answer page (error or success) generated on the fly
  • supports the email() function of
  • support for new TLDs in the email format check
  • supports safe-mode servers and PHP5, PHP7
[purchase_link id=”7403″ text=”Buy Mail-it Now! PRO” style=”button” color=”blue”]

The terms of the Professional licence enable you to:

  • run the script on a single domain
  • get 12 months of support
  • benefit from a turnkey installation.
[purchase_link id=”7403″ text=”Buy Mail-it Now! PRO” style=”button” color=”blue”]

Mail-it Now! Commercial Licence

Mail-it Now! is an advanced form2mail featuring:

  • fields check
  • multiple file uploads
  • Answer page generated on-the-fly
  • Easy setup and configuration
  • Supports the email() function of
  • Supports safe-mode servers and PHP > 4.1.2
  • Email verification takes new TLDs into account

The Commercial Licence enables you to:

  • run the script on several pages on one commercial website.
  • remove the link to SkyMinds.Net.
  • get unlimited support.
  • benefit from a turnkey installation.

Need more options ? Learn more about Mail-it Now! Professional Edition !

Scripts PHP-MySQL photo

PHP and MySQL scripts

Mail-it Now! Upload2Server


Advanced form2mail checking the email and message fields, and the validity of the email address. It works with every hosting provider using mail or email functions. It handles multiple file uploads and generates the reply page automatically. Supports’s email() function.

 Current version: [1.5.3]       License: [Linkware]       Downloads: 184 996 

>> Download

>> Demo                   >> Get the Professional Edition

Mail-it Now! Professional

Improved form2mail script featuring : multiple file uploads, file type restrictions, mail attachments, HTML email, CC and BCC copies, option to keep uploaded files on the server, option to set maximum filesize, auto-cleanup of files option, answer page generated on-the-fly, easy setup and configuration, supports the email() function of, supports safe-mode servers and PHP > 4.1.2, new TLDs taken into account. Read more.

[purchase_link id=”7403″ text=”Add to Cart” style=”button” color=”blue”]

GraphiCookie Counter

Graphic counter using a cookie to identify your visitors not to count them twice. You can use your own images and define the cookie lifetime. Set of pictures included.

 Current version: [1.3]         License: [Linkware]        Downloads: 121 715 

>> Download

GrafX Hit Counter

PHP hit counter displaying the results from a MySQL database. Simply add the 3 lines of code at the beginning of each page you want to track and the script will store the results in the database so that you know which pages are the most accessed and draw the graphs.

 Current version: [1.2]       License: [Donation-ware]       Downloads: 81 265 

>> Download 4 SAM Broadcaster

PHP plugin to update your profile with the tracks played on your SAM Broadcaster-powered webradio.

 Current version: [0.2]       License: [Donation-ware]       Downloads: 6 636 

>> Download