An English Romanticism painting of a landscape with trees and hills. William Turner, Dawn in the Valleys of Devon.

English Romanticism (1798-1832)

This is post 4 of 6 in the series “Literary Movements” The 18th Century: the Age of Enlightenment The Gothic and the Fantastic The 19th Century : Romanticism in Art and Literature English Romanticism (1798-1832) 19th Century Literary Movements : Realism and Naturalism British Civilisation and Literature: 19th and 20th centuries English Romanticism began in …

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Visite du Yosemite National Park photo 50

Visite du Yosemite National Park

Voici la sixième journée de l’US Summer Trip. Lever 5h du matin, le temps de se préparer pour être prêt à partir vers 6h15. Petit thé rapide dans le hall de l’hôtel. Notre chauffeur de mini-bus, un Allemand, se charge de la tournée des hôtels et remplit son mini-bus d’une vingtaine de passagers. San Francisco …

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Etat-Providence et cohésion sociale photo

Etat-Providence et cohésion sociale

I – Etat-Providence : Etat de bien être Au sens strict, l’Etat-Providence est l’intervention de l’Etat dans le domaine social par l’intermédiaire du système de la sécurité sociale (créée en 1945), lequel vise à garantir un revenu aux personnes touchées par certains riques sociaux : vieillesse, maladie, chômage, accidents du travail, maternité… Au sens large, …

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Les politiques sociales photo

Les politiques sociales

I – Définitions L’Etat Providence (Welfare State) désigne les différentes fonctions de l’Etat liées à la protection sociale (chômeurs, vieillesse…) et l’action de l’Etat en faveur de la justice sociale et de l’obtention du plein emploi (intervention sociale de l’Etat). La protection sociale consiste à protéger les individus contre certains risques (chômage, maladie, vieillesse, pauvreté). …

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The Thatcher Years : the individual and society photo

The Thatcher Years : the individual and society

This is post 11 of 12 in the series “Inequalities in Great Britain” This series dissects the various facets of inequality, including economic disparity, social divides, and regional imbalances, offering a comprehensive view of contemporary British society. The Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) Victorian philanthropy in 19th century England Electoral inequalities in Victorian England: the …

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The Welfare State : an end to poverty and inequality ? photo

The Welfare State: an end to poverty and inequality ?

This is post 7 of 12 in the series “Inequalities in Great Britain” This series dissects the various facets of inequality, including economic disparity, social divides, and regional imbalances, offering a comprehensive view of contemporary British society. The Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) Victorian philanthropy in 19th century England Electoral inequalities in Victorian England: the …

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Ante Bellum, Inter Bella : Legislation and the Depression photo

Ante Bellum, Inter Bella : Legislation and the Depression

This is post 4 of 12 in the series “Inequalities in Great Britain” This series dissects the various facets of inequality, including economic disparity, social divides, and regional imbalances, offering a comprehensive view of contemporary British society. The Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) Victorian philanthropy in 19th century England Electoral inequalities in Victorian England: the …

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