Illustration vernien imaginaire d'un homme dans une grotte avec des champignons.

L’impact de l’illustration dans l’imaginaire vernien

This is post 6 of 10 in the series “Du Voyage Imaginaire aux Mondes Perdus” Ce thème littéraire, qui connut son heure de gloire entre 1864 (Le Voyage au Centre de la Terre de Jules Verne) et 1933 (Les Horizons Perdus de James Hilton), relève de la tradition modernisée du “voyage fantastique”. Il s’agit de …

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Illustration d'un oiseau survolant un navire lors d'un des 7 voyages à Sindbad le Marin.

La structure narrative des 7 voyages de Sindbad le Marin

This is post 2 of 10 in the series “Du Voyage Imaginaire aux Mondes Perdus” Ce thème littéraire, qui connut son heure de gloire entre 1864 (Le Voyage au Centre de la Terre de Jules Verne) et 1933 (Les Horizons Perdus de James Hilton), relève de la tradition modernisée du “voyage fantastique”. Il s’agit de …

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Word Motivation Of Cut Letters

Créer et soutenir la motivation des élèves du cycle central en classe d’Anglais

Voici mon mémoire professionnel accompli à l’IUFM des Pays de la Loire. La problématique soulevée – comment créer et soutenir la motivation des élèves du cycle central en classe d’Anglais – découle d’une situation de classe que j’ai connue dès mes débuts en PLC2. There are three things to remember about education.The first one is …

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La synthèse de documents en LLCER : méthode photo 1

La synthèse de documents en LLCER : méthode pour réussir

This is post 8 of 8 in the series “Méthodes et conseils pour le baccalauréat” Toutes les méthodes et conseils pour bien réussir les épreuves finales du baccalauréat, ainsi que toutes les épreuves en contrôle continu, en première et terminale. Bac : méthode pour l’étude d’un texte poétique 10 conseils pour bien réussir l’épreuve de …

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The Handmaid's Tale saison 1 photo

The Handmaid’s Tale: Chapter 5 analysis

A group of people is coming towards us. They’re tourists, from Japan it looks like, a trade delegation perhaps, on a tour of the historic landmarks or out for local colour. They’re diminutive and neatly turned out; each has his or her camera, his or her smile. They look around, bright-eyed, cocking their heads to …

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Scottish flag and the Union Jack

Scotland: the Road to Independence

This is post 6 of 6 in the series “Scotland's Road to Independence” Explore the intricate weave of Scottish politics and devolution from historical struggles for autonomy to the modern debates on independence, dive deep into Scotland’s quest for self-governance. Scotland: the State, the Nation, Home Rule, and Devolution The Act of Union of 1707 …

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Death of a Salesman: Tragedy versus Social Drama photo

Death of a Salesman: Tragedy versus Social Drama

This is post 3 of 4 in the series “Death of a Salesman” Comprehensive literary analysis articles delving into the depths of the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. Death of a Salesman : an extended introduction Family in Death of a Salesman Death of a Salesman: Tragedy versus Social Drama Death of …

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The Great Gatsby: characters and characterization photo

The Great Gatsby: characters and characterization

This is post 2 of 6 in the series “The Great Gatsby” All literary analysis articles about The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Introduction to The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald: from the Lost Prairies to the Realist Jungle The Great Gatsby: characters and characterization The Great Gatsby: the Romantic Quest Structure and …

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The Great Gatsby: an American novel photo

The Great Gatsby: an American novel

This is post 6 of 6 in the series “The Great Gatsby” All literary analysis articles about The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Introduction to The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald: from the Lost Prairies to the Realist Jungle The Great Gatsby: characters and characterization The Great Gatsby: the Romantic Quest Structure and …

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Introduction to The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald : from the Lost Prairies to the Realist Jungle photo

Introduction to The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald: from the Lost Prairies to the Realist Jungle

This is post 1 of 6 in the series “The Great Gatsby” All literary analysis articles about The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Introduction to The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald: from the Lost Prairies to the Realist Jungle The Great Gatsby: characters and characterization The Great Gatsby: the Romantic Quest Structure and …

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19th century literary movements : Realism and Naturalism photo

19th Century Literary Movements : Realism and Naturalism

This is post 5 of 6 in the series “Literary Movements” The 18th Century: the Age of Enlightenment The Gothic and the Fantastic The 19th Century : Romanticism in Art and Literature English Romanticism (1798-1832) 19th Century Literary Movements : Realism and Naturalism British Civilisation and Literature: 19th and 20th centuries Introduction Realism and Naturalism …

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The American Civil War : 1860-1865 photo

The American Civil War: 1861-1865

This is post 7 of 11 in the series “From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877)” From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877) Introduction to Puritanism and Expansionism Antebellum South Life in the Plantations USA: North and South O’Sullivan’s Manifest Destiny The social context of America in the early …

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Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, an oil painting composed in 1818 by the German Romantic artist Caspar David Friedrich

The 19th Century : Romanticism in Art and Literature

This is post 3 of 6 in the series “Literary Movements” The 18th Century: the Age of Enlightenment The Gothic and the Fantastic The 19th Century : Romanticism in Art and Literature English Romanticism (1798-1832) 19th Century Literary Movements : Realism and Naturalism British Civilisation and Literature: 19th and 20th centuries Definition of Romanticism Romanticism …

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The Hollow Crown saison 2 photo

The Hollow Crown saison 2

Quatre ans après la première saison, The Hollow Crown est de retour sur BBC2. Cette seconde saison est sous-titrée “The Wars of the Roses” (les Guerres des Roses) en référence à la période de l’histoire qui correspond aux événements des épisodes. Cette saison se base sur la première tétralogie de Shakespeare : Henry VI, Part …

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La loi Hadopi adoptée par l'Assemblée Nationale photo

La loi Hadopi adoptée par l’Assemblée Nationale

Le projet de loi Création et Internet vient d’être adoptée par l’Assemblée avec 53% des voix – 296 voix pour et 233 contre (et une trentaine d’abstentions). 557 députés sur 577 étaient présents, ce qui est plus glorieux que lors du dernier vote. D’ailleurs on se demande bien pourquoi ce projet de loi est revoté …

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HADOPI : le gouvernement contre-attaque photo 1

HADOPI : le gouvernement contre-attaque

La loi Internet et Libertés a été votée et adoptée le jeudi 2 avril 2009 à l’Assemblée Nationale par 16 députés sur les 577 élus. Cela nous donne donc une loi votée à main levée par 2.77% des députés que nous avons élus… La fameuse Commission Mixte Paritaire, composée de sept députés et sept sénateurs, …

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La théorie de l'évolution en 5 minutes photo

La théorie de l’évolution en 5 minutes

La théorie de l’évolution résumée en 5 minutes : Pas mal fait comme animation ! Il faudrait maintenant savoir d’où vient le singe… cela fait toujours l’objet de recherches et de controverses scientifiques, médiatiques voire religieuses. Rappelons ici que les théories de l’évolution décrivent le processus par lequel les populations d’êtres vivants se modifient au …

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Birth of a Nation photo

USA: Birth of a Nation

This is post 5 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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The Glorious Revolution of 1688

The Glorious Revolution of 1688

This is post 3 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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The Reformation in the British Isles photo

The Reformation in the British Isles

This is post 1 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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Changement social et conflit photo

Changement social et conflit

Durkheim a donné une image harmonieuse de l’organisation sociale. Ce qu’il privilégie, c’est la stabilité qu’entraîne la solidarité. La source des conflits vient de la nature des liens sociaux. Le conflit est le résultat d’un manque : l’anomie. Marx, Dahrendorf et Touraine insistent sur le rôle du conflit en tant que moteur du changement social. …

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The Thatcher Years : the individual and society photo

The Thatcher Years : the individual and society

This is post 11 of 12 in the series “Inequalities in Great Britain” This series dissects the various facets of inequality, including economic disparity, social divides, and regional imbalances, offering a comprehensive view of contemporary British society. The Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) Victorian philanthropy in 19th century England Electoral inequalities in Victorian England: the …

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The Affluent Society : poverty rediscovered ? photo

The Affluent Society : poverty rediscovered?

This is post 8 of 12 in the series “Inequalities in Great Britain” This series dissects the various facets of inequality, including economic disparity, social divides, and regional imbalances, offering a comprehensive view of contemporary British society. The Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) Victorian philanthropy in 19th century England Electoral inequalities in Victorian England: the …

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The rise of the Scottish National Party (SNP) photo

The rise of the Scottish National Party (SNP)

This is post 4 of 6 in the series “Scotland's Road to Independence” Explore the intricate weave of Scottish politics and devolution from historical struggles for autonomy to the modern debates on independence, dive deep into Scotland’s quest for self-governance. Scotland: the State, the Nation, Home Rule, and Devolution The Act of Union of 1707 …

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Introduction to Regeneration by Pat Barker photo

Introduction to Regeneration by Pat Barker

Regeneration has to do with World War One (WW1) and it is visible right from its cover. The novelist, Pat Barker is one of the first women writers who have written about the Great War. Pat Barker is a university-trained historian and this is confirmed by the presence of very reliable sources in the “Author’s …

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Introduction to A Midsummer Night's Dream photo

Structure in A Midsummer Night’s Dream

I – Characters and structure Multiplicity of lines. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is remarkable for the many levels of its text. The play is different from Romeo and Juliet or the Taming of the Shrew (which have one main plot) because of the various levels of plots and characters. There are 4 levels: Theseus and …

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Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad :

Lord Jim: how is Conrad’s first-hand experience of seamanship perceptible throughout the Patna episode ?

Conrad was a sailor and gave us a flavour of seamanship: read ch1-20, there are segments that should not be missed. In Youth (1828), Conrad wrote a fiction based on his first-hand experience as first mate on board a ship called the “Palestine”. He was directly involved in an incident: the Palestine caught fire and …

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Electre : tragédie et originalité du drame giralducien photo

Électre : tragédie et originalité du drame giralducien

Mythe de la vérité, la tragédie d’Électre est le récit d’une vengeance qui s’accomplit à ce titre. Le conflit qui structure la pièce lui donne unité et profondeur. Mais quelles sont les origines et les règles de la tragédie grecque? Quel mythe est à l’origine du drame d’Électre ? Quelle est l’originalité de Giraudoux par …

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American Modernism in literature photo

American Modernism in literature

This is post 5 of 5 in the series “History of American Literature” History of American Literature Puritanism : a New World Vision An authentically American Literature American Literature: a Declaration of Literary Independence The American Renaissance American Modernism in literature Defining the (literary) self and the nation: representative figures As an aesthetic phenomenon, Modernism …

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Declaration of Literary Independence photo

American Literature: a Declaration of Literary Independence

This is post 3 of 5 in the series “History of American Literature” History of American Literature Puritanism : a New World Vision An authentically American Literature American Literature: a Declaration of Literary Independence The American Renaissance American Modernism in literature Washington Irving: evolution, nostalgia and imaginary compensation Irving was not under the influence of …

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