Visite du Yosemite National Park photo 50

Visite du Yosemite National Park

Voici la sixième journée de l’US Summer Trip. Lever 5h du matin, le temps de se préparer pour être prêt à partir vers 6h15. Petit thé rapide dans le hall de l’hôtel. Notre chauffeur de mini-bus, un Allemand, se charge de la tournée des hôtels et remplit son mini-bus d’une vingtaine de passagers. San Francisco …

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The American colonies : Religion and Politics photo

The American colonies : Religion and Politics

This is post 4 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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Structure and Narration in

The ordering of events in The Great Gatsby

This is post 5 of 6 in the series “The Great Gatsby” All literary analysis articles about The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Introduction to The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald: from the Lost Prairies to the Realist Jungle The Great Gatsby: characters and characterization The Great Gatsby: the Romantic Quest Structure and …

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