Mme Dalloway, une femme en costume, naviguant dans le temps avec une horloge et des fleurs.

The fictive experience of time through Mrs. Dalloway

This is post 4 of 4 in the series “Mrs. Dalloway” Comprehensive literary analysis articles delving into the depths of the modernist masterpiece ‘Mrs. Dalloway’ by Virginia Woolf, exploring its innovative narrative structure, themes, and the intricacies of its characters. Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf: A Modernist Novel Time on the surface level of Mrs. …

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An English Romanticism painting of a landscape with trees and hills. William Turner, Dawn in the Valleys of Devon.

English Romanticism (1798-1832)

This is post 4 of 6 in the series “Literary Movements” The 18th Century: the Age of Enlightenment The Gothic and the Fantastic The 19th Century : Romanticism in Art and Literature English Romanticism (1798-1832) 19th Century Literary Movements : Realism and Naturalism British Civilisation and Literature: 19th and 20th centuries English Romanticism began in …

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Resolve error 526 with Cloudflare and NginX.

Résoudre l’erreur 526 entre Cloudflare et NginX

Dernièrement, je me suis apercu qu’une requête curl sur le domaine (sans www donc), donnait une erreur 526 sous Cloudflare (avec le proxy activé, mais aussi sans): Sous tous les navigateurs par contre, une brève page d’erreur s’affiche (quelques millisecondes) avant que finalement la redirection vers le sous-domaine www ne s’effectue. Je me suis …

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The Handmaid's Tale: Chapter 41 analysis photo, Offred, June, Nick

The Handmaid’s Tale: Chapter 41 analysis

I WISH THIS story were different. I wish it were more civilized. I wish it showed me in a better light, if not happier, then at least more active, less hesitant, less distracted by trivia. I wish it had more shape. I wish it were about love, or about sudden realizations important to one’s life, …

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Analysis of The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood photo

An analysis of The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

Introduction Margaret Atwood is a Canadian writer born in 1931, who studied literature in Toronto. In the 1960s, she was a graduate specialist in Harvard and then came back to Canada to teach literature. She was a well-known poet with The Edible Woman (1969), Surfacing (1972), Life before man (1979), The Robber Bride (1993). Margaret …

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The American Civil War : 1860-1865 photo

The American Civil War: 1861-1865

This is post 7 of 11 in the series “From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877)” From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877) Introduction to Puritanism and Expansionism Antebellum South Life in the Plantations USA: North and South O’Sullivan’s Manifest Destiny The social context of America in the early …

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Serveur dédié : résoudre le problème

Serveur dédié : à la recherche de l’inode perdue ou comment résoudre le problème “no space left on device”

Les inodes perdues ! Cette semaine, j’ai eu droit à un problème particulier sur le serveur : alors que rien dans la configuration des services n’a été changé, je me suis rendu compte que WordPress ne réagissait pas comme d’habitude. Les symptômes les plus visibles sont la lenteur de l’application, l’impossibilité de mettre à jour …

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The Gothic and the Fantastic photo

The Gothic and the Fantastic

This is post 2 of 6 in the series “Literary Movements” The 18th Century: the Age of Enlightenment The Gothic and the Fantastic The 19th Century : Romanticism in Art and Literature English Romanticism (1798-1832) 19th Century Literary Movements : Realism and Naturalism British Civilisation and Literature: 19th and 20th centuries The Gothic and the …

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Serveur dédié : mise en place du protocole DANE photo 2

Serveur dédié : mise en place du protocole DANE

Aujourd’hui, je vous montre comment mettre en place le protocole DANE sur votre serveur. En pré-requis, votre domaine doit: être servi en HTTPS avec un certificat TLS valide, être signé par DNSSEC. Cela prend environ 20 minutes à configurer, auxquelles s’ajouteront quelques heures afin que la résolution DNS avec les changements soit complète. DANE : …

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Serveur dédié : mettre en place DNSSEC pour sécuriser les DNS du domaine photo

Serveur dédié : mettre en place DNSSEC pour sécuriser les DNS du domaine

Aujourd’hui, nous allons mettre en place DNSSEC afin d’ajouter une couche de sécurité supplémentaire dans la gestion des DNS de notre domaine. Principe de fonctionnement du DNS Le DNS (Domain Name System) est un maillon clé du fonctionnement d’Internet car la quasi-totalité des services en ligne utilisent des noms de domaine à un moment ou …

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Serveur dédié : sécuriser Apache avec HTTPS (HTTP avec la couche TLS/SSL) en Perfect Forward Secrecy photo 1

Serveur dédié : sécuriser Apache avec HTTPS (HTTP avec la couche TLS/SSL) en Perfect Forward Secrecy

Cela fait quelques mois que j’en parle mais aujourd’hui je le fais, je passe le site en HTTPS – ou techniquement en HTTP avec la couche TLS. Après les révélations d’Edward Snowden et les multiples affaires concernant les écoutes et les fuites des données des citoyens, je pense qu’il est temps de reprendre un peu …

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True Blood saison 5

Voici la cinquième saison tant attendue de True Blood sur nos écrans! Sookie et Lafayette essaient d’arrondir les angles après l’histoire mouvementée entre Tara et Debbie Pelt. Bill et Eric reçoivent une visite de la Vampire Authority, dont l’un des membres n’est autre qu’une femme qu’a connu Eric dans le passé. A la recherche de …

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DNS : résoudre l'erreur fatale "la liste des serveurs récupérée ne correspond pas à celle donnée" photo

DNS : résoudre l’erreur fatale “la liste des serveurs récupérée ne correspond pas à celle donnée”

Problème : ne semble pas être dans la liste des serveurs Lors de l’appariement de votre nom de domaine au serveur et au cours d’un Zone-Check du domaine, vous pouvez tomber sur l’erreur suivante : L’erreur étant fatale, il est nécessaire de la corriger pour que le nom de domaine pointe bien vers le …

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North and South photo

USA: North and South

This is post 4 of 11 in the series “From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877)” From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877) Introduction to Puritanism and Expansionism Antebellum South Life in the Plantations USA: North and South O’Sullivan’s Manifest Destiny The social context of America in the early …

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The New Nation photo

America: The New Nation

This is post 8 of 11 in the series “From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877)” From the Puritan settlements to the American Civil War (1787-1877) Introduction to Puritanism and Expansionism Antebellum South Life in the Plantations USA: North and South O’Sullivan’s Manifest Destiny The social context of America in the early …

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Birth of a Nation photo

USA: Birth of a Nation

This is post 5 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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The American colonies : Religion and Politics photo

The American colonies : Religion and Politics

This is post 4 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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The Glorious Revolution of 1688

The Glorious Revolution of 1688

This is post 3 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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English Expansionism photo

English Expansionism

This is post 2 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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The Reformation in the British Isles photo

The Reformation in the British Isles

This is post 1 of 5 in the series “From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776)” From the Reformation to the birth of the American nation (1534-1776) The Reformation in the British Isles English Expansionism The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The American colonies : Religion and Politics USA: Birth of a …

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The Thatcher Years : the individual and society photo

The Thatcher Years : the individual and society

This is post 11 of 12 in the series “Inequalities in Great Britain” This series dissects the various facets of inequality, including economic disparity, social divides, and regional imbalances, offering a comprehensive view of contemporary British society. The Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) Victorian philanthropy in 19th century England Electoral inequalities in Victorian England: the …

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The Affluent Society : poverty rediscovered ? photo

The Affluent Society : poverty rediscovered?

This is post 8 of 12 in the series “Inequalities in Great Britain” This series dissects the various facets of inequality, including economic disparity, social divides, and regional imbalances, offering a comprehensive view of contemporary British society. The Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) Victorian philanthropy in 19th century England Electoral inequalities in Victorian England: the …

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Definitions : the State, the Nation, Home Rule and Devolution photo

Scotland: the State, the Nation, Home Rule, and Devolution

This is post 1 of 6 in the series “Scotland's Road to Independence” Explore the intricate weave of Scottish politics and devolution from historical struggles for autonomy to the modern debates on independence, dive deep into Scotland’s quest for self-governance. Scotland: the State, the Nation, Home Rule, and Devolution The Act of Union of 1707 …

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The plot in Regeneration by Pat Barker photo

First dialogue between Rivers and Sassoon in Regeneration

Study of the passage p11-12: from “What kind of questions did they ask..” to “with quite a bit of his leg left inside“. This is the first real dialogue between Rivers and Sassoon. Sassoon is presented as shell-shocked. This passage is composed of a dialogue and 12 lines of narrative. Most of the narrative comments …

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Richard III : the ambiguity of Richard's evil photo

Richard III: the ambiguity of Richard’s evil

This is post 2 of 2 in the series “Richard III” Comprehensive literary analysis articles delving into the depths of the tragedy Richard III by William Shakespeare. Richard III : Order and Disorder, the Elizabethan problem Richard III: the ambiguity of Richard’s evil I. The Vice The Vice was the favourite character in medieval morality …

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Introduction to A Midsummer Night's Dream photo

Structure in A Midsummer Night’s Dream

I – Characters and structure Multiplicity of lines. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is remarkable for the many levels of its text. The play is different from Romeo and Juliet or the Taming of the Shrew (which have one main plot) because of the various levels of plots and characters. There are 4 levels: Theseus and …

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Introduction to A Midsummer Night's Dream photo

Background of A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Introduction The characters are set in a given space and time. Shakespeare draws his material from a large body of social background, historical facts and myth: let us see the Greek background, the May festivities, and the fairies and spirits. I – Greek background The play is set in early Greece, in Athens. It is …

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Introduction to A Midsummer Night's Dream photo

Introduction to A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Place of the play in Shakespeare’s work A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of the most famous and successful nplays by Shakespeare. The play is part of the early work of Shakespeare (1554-1616), it was written and performed in 1595-1596, just after The Taming of the Shrew and The Two Gentlemen of Verona. There is …

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American Modernism in literature photo

American Modernism in literature

This is post 5 of 5 in the series “History of American Literature” History of American Literature Puritanism : a New World Vision An authentically American Literature American Literature: a Declaration of Literary Independence The American Renaissance American Modernism in literature Defining the (literary) self and the nation: representative figures As an aesthetic phenomenon, Modernism …

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Puritanism : a New World Vision photo

Puritanism : a New World Vision

This is post 1 of 5 in the series “History of American Literature” History of American Literature Puritanism : a New World Vision An authentically American Literature American Literature: a Declaration of Literary Independence The American Renaissance American Modernism in literature The Puritan New World vision in the longer schemes of things English Puritans can …

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