Tanner Patrick - Pumped Up Kicks (Foster The People cover) photo

Tanner Patrick – Pumped Up Kicks

Voici Pumped Up Kicks, mais pas la version originale de Foster The People, plutôt celle de Tanner Patrick, qui sonne mieux que l’originale je trouve : C’est super facile à jouer à la guitare, il faut juste maitriser l’enchaînement un peu syncopé des accords. Par contre, les paroles ahem… c’est légèrement Bowling for Columbine!

Here we go round the mulberry bush, singing and dancing in a joyful circle.

Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

Introduction “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush” is not just a traditional nursery rhyme; it’s a formative part of childhood for many people around the world. This enchanting singing game has been passed down from generation to generation, captivating young minds and fostering a sense of community and fun. With its simple yet memorable …

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